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How it works

How JawCuts Work

Consider this. There are 57+ muscles in your face and neck. You've most likely never given these muscles a proper workout, which means you're not contributing to your overall health.

People spend billions to try different cosmetic enhancements from injections that last for a few months to surgeries which can cost up to $25,000 or more. 

You may have tried everything and yet, haven't given your jaw, neck and face the proper workout it needs -- JawCuts is for anyone who wants a healthier, younger and attractive appearance.

How it affects male and female

JawCuts provides an efficient, effective way to exercise your jaw muscles. By engaging in consistent chewing, you can experience a decrease in fat on your jawline and chin and an increase in the strength of your jaw muscles resulting in a defined and chiseled jawline. This process will lead to a more attractive appearance for both males and females.

You will start to notice your jawline getting more defined. If you’re a male, your jawline area will

Protrude further to the sides, but if you’re a female your jawline will simply get more defined, and your cheekbone will be more prominent. This process creates a sharp and clear contrast between your neck and jaw. Your jawline will be more visible, leading to a more appealing v-shaped face for females and a square shape for males.

The ultimate guide to achieving the perfect jawline 

With JawCuts, you can work out the full range of face and neck muscles and create a leaner and stronger jawline. This innovative piece of equipment can chisel and sculpt your jawline for your best look ever…. It’s the type of look that botox and face fillers can only wish they could deliver.

1. Warm-up phase

Start warming up your jaw muscles by opening your mouth as wide as possible. Repeatedly open and close your mouth for 5 to 10 times. Here, you’re basically stretching.

Soon after stretching your jaw, place JawCuts on your molar teeth and slowly chew the tab 45 times. This should be enough to properly warm up the masseter muscles and the overall neck and jaw muscles.

Rest for 2 minutes max.

2. Activation phase

As soon as you’re done with the warm up phase, immediately start to take 75 forceful bites with a one second pause within intervals. The activation phase is going to activate the massetter muscle and 57 neck and head muscles. This process is for initializing the development of muscles.

Rest for 2 minutes max.

3. Final phase

In the final phase you’re required to perform 50 forceful bites with no pauses/rest intervals. This phase will aggressively build strength in your masseter muscles through strong resistance and endurance.

If you want to get maximum results you should repeat the activation phase or final phase according to your tolerance. 

How to use it

It generally takes 5 minutes per day to get results within 4-8 weeks, but if you want to get faster results we recommend you to do intense workouts lasting between 10 to 15 minutes. Doing this will produce maximum muscle fatigue in the most efficient way possible

  • Rinse JawCuts in mouthwash or water (to protect yourself agaist bactiria)
  • Put them on your molar teeth (this is a lot safer than using your front teeth)
  • Start chewing (this automatically applies 50lb resistance to your masseter muscle)
  • Perform jaw stretches; this helps ease tention after an intense jaw workout
  • Rinse tabs and store them in carrying case; the carry case will help you take the JawCuts everywhere you go so you could use them anywhere.

What to expect

By working out your jaw, there will be a visible result on your jawline. With added muscle strength, the corner of your jaw near your ears becomes sharper and more defined. Users will experience hollow cheek enhancement. 

How it’ll work for you

Several factors influence how specific JawCuts workouts will be successful. Results depend on consistency level and how often the individual work out. Body fat percentage also plays a role in how quickly you see visual improvement in muscle growth. In addition, what kind of food you eat directly affects the type of improvement - if you are eating an adequate amount of amino acids and other nutrients, then you can see improvements in as little as 1-2 weeks.

You basically have to work out your masseters

Masseter muscles are some of the strongest muscles in the body. They are the second strongest after your heart. You utilize these muscles when you're chewing, and they open your jaw. It's important to remember that these muscles rely on stress to grow larger, which makes JawCuts an effective way to improve your jawline.

JawCuts is simply a dumbell for your jawline

JawCuts is a new way to help strengthen jaw muscles to create a better facial shape by exercising jaw muscles targeted specifically to facial muscles. The logic is the same as when you exercise other parts of the body; exercising your jaw will change the shape of your face. Exercising your face will give you better-shaped facial muscles and just plain make you look cuter.

Results Our Customers Get

"I just want to say thank you so much because I'm trying to get ready for a wedding and i wanted to look my best. For the past few months, I have been working out and I was told that I had to work on the muscles on my jawline. At first it sounded like strange advice but when I started exercing my jawline, it feels amazing. It is so easy to use, just exercise your jawline for 5 minutes a day and the results are noticeable after one week!" - Berky from Texas, USA.

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